Service CRM

Service CRM

We Build Relations and Business Also.

We are all aware of the growing significance of the Internet in our lives. Businesses cannot afford to neglect this medium in order to reach a wider target audience for their products or services. A website can be an invaluable investment for a new business and can even provide a fresh lease of life to an old, traditional and diminishing business.

There is no any business in current scenario that can stay away from the internet and what the web design and development company can do for them is where we come in. So it’s not just about building a web presence, that is the best in design and technology, but we would like to pin the success key of the project on ensuring that the website we develop for a business increment is based on addressing a business requirement and it gets the job done. The website having an intuitive design and good technology to back it up are the paths we take to reach your business goal with the website that our company make.

A good quality website helps clients to effectively pick, choose and order your products online. Millions of people search the internet looking for products or services, which you may have but would be unable to reach you in the absence of a richly designed, professional website.

Building a website for your company can be a devastating experience for clients, who tend to get lost in the ocean of technology like a boat in rough weather.


Through the help of this MASTER facility a company can easily initialize some important information according to company needs, which helps in making the work easy and beneficial. Some of the points that are mention below which can we easily maintain in a Masters:

  • a) Create Parts:  From this Part we can manage the part which is used in either making machine or in a Service/Complaint time.
  • a) Create Model:  with the help of create model facility company can easily generate a new model which basically designed by own company side.
  • c) Assign Parts To Model: Assign parts to model are use whenever we generate a new manufacturing model and here we want to assign some parts that basically use to make machine.
  • d) Complaint Description: Complaint Description is basically used to enter the major problems that our executive face from a client side, which mainly helps on the time of when customer make a complaint on telephone.
  • e) Bank Details:  Bank Details is basically co-relate with our payment part. Through this we add a mainly using bank by customers.
  • f) City Master:  Help of City master, we can easily add the city where we easily Provide a service/ Complaint or where we easily sale the machine. Through the help of this city master we get a easy accessibility to find the customers according to a city wise.
  • g) Area Master:  With the use of Area master, we can easily add the areas where we easily Provide a Service/Complaint or where we easily sale the machine. Through the help of this area master we get an easy accessibility to find the customers according to an area wise.
  • h) Labour Charges:  Here we have a functionality of adding a multiple labour charges according to our Service/Complaint Part. It’s Helps in adding labour charges in an invoice time or quotation time.
  • i) Company Bank Details:   Company Bank Detail is basically co-relate with our payment part. Through this we can manage a multiple banks, which can easily add a payment according to our bank account wise. Its help a company to maintain a multiple bank accounts.

If we want to grab a deal and customer also wants a Estimate/Quotation, then we easily generate a rough estimate for that particular customer. This estimate / quotation is also use to make a invoice for that particular quotation. This generates a unique impact on a customer side.

Advance facility in our service management software plays a very important role. Whenever a customer make some advance payment, on the same time a customer get a immediate response through the help of our transactional SMS /E-Mail.

Create invoice is the primary and most important part in our service management software. Through the help of invoice a company can easily generate a customer and also if a customer required some special discount then we can also avail for that. There are some major unique points through which we can easily track our customer, some points are given below:

  •   Manage which sales representative sale the particular machine.
  •   In which company our machine is use.
  •   Manage contract start date.
  •   Manage contract and date.
  •   Manage advance customer.
  •   Which model they are purchasing.
  •   Arrange a particular and unique serial number.
  •   Make a service tax or a vat tax functionality.
  •   Manage a service type like: QUARTERLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY , HALF YEARLY.
  •   Buy old machine facility.
  •   Auto deducts the old machine cost.
  •   Sale a machine on a full/installment part.
  •   Manage a multiple number of installments.

AMC Management plays a very important part in a Service Field. After a machine warranty is expired than a customer required a annual maintenance contract which make a customer mind free from the service part. In this AMC part a company can arrange a service type like: QUARTERLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY and HALF YEARLY. There some also unique features in our AMC management part :

  •   Search pending Services by date wise.
  •   Search solved Services by date wise.
  •   Search all Services by date wise.
  •   Day wise service search.
  •   From date to date search.
  •   Customer id wise search.
  •   Machine serial number wise search.
  •   Allotted wise search.
  •   Area/city wise search.
  •   Till today’s pending search

Through the help of service management part a company can easily track the customers for providing the best to best service on a time. There some also unique features in our AMC management part:

  •   Search pending Services by date wise.
  •   Search solved Services by date wise.
  •   Search all Services by date wise.
  •   Day wise service search.
  •   Pending / solved by search.
  •   From date to date search.
  •   Customer id wise search.
  •   Machine serial number wise search.
  •   Allotted wise search.
  •   Area/city wise search.
  •   Till today’s pending search.

A Complaint Management Part is use in our Service CRM Software for managing the complaints either it is our existing customer or a new customer. We have a Possibility to manage a new customer that is coming from referral marketing. Whenever a Customer generates a call for a complaint, our Service Management Software automatically generate a unique Complaint ID’s. Our software has a remarkable facility of sending Transactional SMS to a customer on a same side it also send a SMS to an Assign Executive for a Complaint/Service, when our executive will complete that particular complaint than a customer also get a Confirmation message for a complaint solved and also for a received payment.

In our service management software we can also track a received payments or an upcoming payment from a customer side. We can have a extremely suitable facility of sending SMS and Mail.

An Installment management makes a new option for selling machine on a installment concept. This installment management part in our Service CRM Software provide a advantageous for easily memorable about the EMI/Installment that we should have to received from the customer side. From the installment management part we can generate customizable installments according to a customer financial status. Our software give a remarkable option to track the installments on the different criteria’s that are giving below:

  •   Search pending Installment/EMI by date wise.
  •   Search all Installment/EMI by date wise.
  •   Day wise Installment/EMI search.
  •   Pending / Received by search.
  •   From date to date search.
  •   Customer id wise search.
  •   Machine serial number wise search.
  •   Area/City wise search.
  •   Till today’s pending search.
  •   Mobile number wise search.
  •   Cheque wise search.

We can easily add a multiple employee that is working in our service management company. This employee management part gives a new option to track our service executives that what they have done in a whole Month/Date wise. Through the help of employee work details we also sort by criteria that are given below:

  •   Date wise search.
  •   Employee wise search.
  •   Month wise search.
  •   Print the work detail of employee.
  •   Manage attendance.
  •   Manage salary.
  •   Add a assign parts value.
  •   Issue parts to employee.
  •   Search issued stock.
  •   Employee commission management.

A customer management is a very major part in over service sector. We have sometimes get a bad feedback about our service/complaint part some issues some times that customers says to a company i.e:

  •   How many services given by your company in a year?
  •   No one employee had come for a service.
  •   No one employee had come for a complaint.
  •   Your technician has charged so much amount on a service time.
  •   Your technician has charged so much amount on a Complaint time.
  •   No one part your technician has changed in a service/complaint.

To resolve all that problems that your company is facing from a customer side. We have a one solution of all these problems, we have a multiple option to answer the customers feedback. Here are some searching criteria’s that are given below to track customers work status.

  •   Check individual customer work report.
  •   Check parts used in service time.
  •   Check part used in complaint time.
  •   Track their installments status.
  •   Track their payment status.
  •   Track a payment received on a service/complaint part.

this part plays a very important role in big companies through the help of user right functionality we can manage a multiple users and also manage their rights according to designation. Lets example: We want a separation between a sales and a service part that no one can access other data. For this solution we can assign a multiple user rights according to our requirement.

Export facility in our service CRM Software gives a unique Feature to print and export the reports in deferent extension .xls, .pdf, .doc and many more. We can easily send these reports through mail. Here are some reports that we can easily exportable:

  •   Parts Report.
  •   Purchase Model Report.
  •   Manufacture model report.
  •   Customer all details reports.
  •   Complaint / Service Reports.
  •   Employee work details.
  •   Purchase Details.
  •   Installment Details.

For making our service management software easy, transparent and advanced we also implement the SMS/Email integration in it. We have add on this beneficial feature in different modules, such as

  •   On making of Customer invoice.
  •   Send SMS to Upcoming services.
  •   On time of complaint Generate.
  •   On time of complaint Solved.
  •   On time of service reminder.
  •   On time of installment paid.
  •   On time of status of cheque.

Report Facility also a very necessary part of our RO service CRM software because through report facility we can easily manage to check our following details:

  •   Stock details.
  •   Sales reports according to date wise/Day wise/Month wise.
  •   Purchase Report.
  •   Vendor wise Report.
